Sports News from Mr O
July 28, 2023
This term we have our Netball and Basketball teams continuing to compete in their respective leagues, Motu Kairaingi Netball and Akau Tangi Kids Hoops League. Keep up the good work everyone!
Our Y5/6 netballers also participated in the Eastern Zone Netball tournament this week. A HUGE thanks to the parents that went along to coach, manage and umpire on the day and also to Santi for overseeing things. The tamariki had a brilliant day out and some even got to see the whale in Evans Bay on the way back!
Congratulations to Peyton Corkin who finished second in the Regional Cross Country competition qualifying for the Inter-Regional competition later this term – this is a huge achievement and we’re all so proud of you!
We have the Eastern Zone Futsal and Floorball tournaments and the Eastern Zone Swimming Sports coming up this term so look out for notices over the next few weeks.